
Comin back atcha

Such a long hiatus. My big adjustment to the big changes is beginning to blossom. I'm sittin in tonight. Watching SPEED RACER on a pirate site. Got it plugged into my 40" via S-cable. A bunch of my friends are out tonight. I miss them all. Mikie's probably spinning tonight, dodging the ladies with that new ring around his finger. Doc is getting ready to move into a new place in CHI-TOWN while her love is away in china with the cirque de sole. Tone is chatting up the ladies and I wonder if Rain is feeling a blue retro chill creeping into his bones. New ladie V is gliding through the cobble stones in Boston. My crazy little alien CHARLENE is texting me at 12 am no doubt wanting to tell me broken English stories that sound like poetic little riddles. My boy Dave is probably still unpacking after moving into his new house in LA. Somewhere in San Fran Phillip is singing his fool heart out; The boy is mad about kereoke. Hopefully R-DATH is listening to the latest shoosha song mix I sent out to her. And dear old Stephanie, your child is precious. Bobby, my Philly boy, I'll be calling u soon. Robert, fatherhood will suit you just fine.

Just got word back from Tony, the ladies he was chatting up tonight were lesbians.
Yep, they're all out there tonight.

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