
RE: the government shutdown

Republicans are dangerously close to shutting down the federal government. Here's what will happen if they get their way:
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Jason, Republicans are dangerously close to shutting down the federal government. If they have their way:

  • More than 3 million Americans, including more than 1 million active duty service members, would miss their paychecks over the holidays.

  • Holiday travel would be disrupted during the busiest week of the year, leaving Americans with longer wait times at airports.

  • The shutdown they're threatening could cost taxpayers and the economy billions of dollars.

But do you think that Donald Trump and Elon Musk, the richest guy in the world, care about the consequences? Absolutely not. Trump, Musk and their MAGA cronies are sowing chaos, and working families are going to pay the price.

It has never been more important that we have a strong Democratic party to fight back.

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