
My first post of blah

This isn't going to be monumental by any stretch of the imagination. I'm at work right now listening to the new Radiohead download. I have to say it's kind of blah. I should be working on my portfolio but I am also kind of blah about that as well. It's getting dark out early now and that makes me feel kind of blah and there's nothing good online right now which makes me wonder if the interwebs are feeling kind of blah too. SO if i'm going to start this off on the good foot I should introduce you to the crew I've been hanging with since I've moved to NYC. Below is the first video I made of everyone in action. This was a while ago mind you and I shot it on my Treo 650. The focus of the evening was Tony as he was doing a photo shoot as a Bond villain for an office party. The Green Tea Express as I like to call this brilliant group is quite a talented bunch. I'll be posting more of our exploits later.

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