

It's been no secret. I've been very vocal about how much I can't stand the gig that I'm in right now. There was a time when things looked promising. We had a great team. I felt challenged by them. Even though being in the design industry is kind of congenial, you know, we all hang out together, share all the new tricks we've discovered in flash or photoshop or whatever. It's still really competitive. Anyway. I've been sending out resumes like a fiend over the last few weeks. Yes I know it's the end of the year and everything is slow but I don't think I can take it here much more. At first I was just sending to anyone. I had 4 interviews set up last week. It didn't take me long to get the lay of the land. I skipped out on the last one at the last minute. I just knew after thinking about it that this place wasn't for me. I sent a polite email saying that I found something else and would be taking my career in a new direction. Ever since then this recruiter has been stalking me. It's extremely bizzar. Some companies I can't even get them to call me back even after they've expressed interest in me. But this one, oh man. It's starting to take on the tone of "why am I not good enough for you". Four days after I declined I got a message on my voice mail almost pleading for me to consider coming in. I have no idea how to respond. It's just so awkward. It's like dating. Too much interest too soon... Bad news.... Too little? Too late. It's a delicate balance.

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