

Ok i'm still really really jet lagged from my trip to Hong Kong last week. I will have all that crazy video and picture stuff up here soon. I took five 85min HD tapes of us out there and have to go through it all and import it into final cut yadda yadda..... BUT this really woke my ass up!

I've only been a fan of one Wachowski brothers film. That, of course would be the first Matrix. The other two sequels were too much poop to wade into right now and V for Vendetta, while not directed by the brothers, was poop as well. I am cautiously optimistic about the latest Speed Racer adaptation. A new batch of images just came out that kind of blew me away. Click to enlarge the image above or go HERE to see some more pics and learn more about the film. It will all come down to story. They definitely have the wacky pop anime style down. I just hope they don't have another ponderous poopy script like their last three outings. Could this be a fresh start for the brothers? I hopes so!!!!!

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