
Seriously crushin

Ok, I tried to play it cool this week. SS and I had a great date last Saturday. I had to resist not calling the next day. I really wanted to talk to her. Monday she sends me a nice email. It was great to get to know you and all that. I replied. I didn't hear back. I waited a little more. I gave a call last night. I didn't hear back. I thought I blew it.

She called today.

I'm seriously crushin.


Holy Cow

I just met the most amazing person this weekend. For now I will call her SS. Saturday was our first date. She's super sweet. It's been a while since I've met another person I click with. Things are new to be sure, but we spent almost 7 hours gabbing and drinking and gabbing about everything from religion to star wars. She was very forgiving of my half baked theories and occasional factual slip ups which helps a LOT. Throughout the night I kind of had to pinch myself. Here I was sitting across from this very beautiful woman and we weren't bored with each other. Conversation was easy and consistent. I've been out on a few dates now and they were just painful to sit through. So boring. Chemistry counts for a lot. We seemed to have it. Now comes the very fragile period of any relationship... The first tentative steps. I really wanted to call her last night. But I didn't. I don't want to come on too strong. Just need to relax :)

Hopefully I'll be writing more about here in the future.


Wow what a year.

Sometimes things just have a way of happening. In clusters. They
irrevocably change the course of your life. It happens to all of us
and after having roughly 3 years of an enjoyably stable existance it
seems my turn is up. The beginning of the year brought the demise of
my relationship with the beck (which I will finally go into detail
about in another post) then I jumped off of the green tea express,
last week my apartment was broken into at the same time an old ex came
back into my life to stir up all the old feelings. I guess you could
say I'm starting over again on many different levels.

Of all that stuff though, the thing that bums me out the most is the
loss of the green tea express. A big chunk of people that have been in
my life for the last three years are now gone. I have other friends
yes, but a couple of those cats were special to me even if I didn't
show it.

There have been other periods in my life where I've lost whole groups
of people that I was tight with. Practically my entire college crew
and that was a super tight group. Things don't seem to roll off as
easy as they once did.