
Holy Cow

I just met the most amazing person this weekend. For now I will call her SS. Saturday was our first date. She's super sweet. It's been a while since I've met another person I click with. Things are new to be sure, but we spent almost 7 hours gabbing and drinking and gabbing about everything from religion to star wars. She was very forgiving of my half baked theories and occasional factual slip ups which helps a LOT. Throughout the night I kind of had to pinch myself. Here I was sitting across from this very beautiful woman and we weren't bored with each other. Conversation was easy and consistent. I've been out on a few dates now and they were just painful to sit through. So boring. Chemistry counts for a lot. We seemed to have it. Now comes the very fragile period of any relationship... The first tentative steps. I really wanted to call her last night. But I didn't. I don't want to come on too strong. Just need to relax :)

Hopefully I'll be writing more about here in the future.

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