
Jason, I wanted to update you with my latest newsletter:

Let's jump right in.
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Jason --

Since I last wrote this newsletter, we watched as, once again in America, the rule of law, our Constitution, and the will of the people prevailed.

Members of the Electoral College, representing the certified winner, cast their votes for President and Vice President of the United States in an act just as old as our nation itself.

And our democracy -- pushed, tested, threatened -- proved to be resilient, true, and strong.

It was a humbling experience for me, Jason. And I hope you know that we only arrived at this moment thanks to you and the millions of other Americans who poured their hearts into our battle for the soul of the nation. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

But I can promise you that my team and I are getting ready to fight for you every single day of my administration. And I’m excited to tell you everything that I’ve been doing as we prepare to get to work building back better.

It’s been an eventful week, so I won’t waste any more time. Let’s jump right in.

Latest Updates

On Tuesday, I got to travel to Atlanta, Georgia, for a Get Out the Vote rally supporting Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in their Senate runoff elections. And next week, Kamala will travel to Georgia as well.

The future of health care, the economy, and the planet are all on the line. We’ve got to win Georgia and flip the Senate, so I’m doing everything I can to elect Jon and Raphael -- and I hope you are too.

If you’re a Georgia voter, make sure to head to iwillvote.com/GA and make your plan to vote today. And no matter where you live, you can help power Jon and Raphael’s grassroots campaigns with a donation right now.

If you’re able, will you split a donation between Raphael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, and the DNC through the Flip Georgia Fund? Any amount you can give will make a real difference in these critical races:

If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately and be split evenly between Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, and the Democratic National Committee:
$15 ➞
$30 ➞
$45 ➞
$60 ➞
$75 ➞
Other ➞

I continued to announce key members of my administration, including my first domestic nominees and appointees. From Treasury to Housing and Urban Development to Veterans Affairs to Transportation -- this team is where the rubber meets the road, and they’re ready to help the American people build back better. You can click the image below to learn more about them and about other members of the incredible team we’re assembling:

President-elect Joe Biden announcing members of his cabinet

This week also marked the end of this year’s open enrollment period, so I called Elena Hung -- an advocate for kids with complex medical needs and disabilities and, more importantly, Xiomara’s mom -- to help make sure people didn’t miss their chance to get covered for 2021.

Health care is personal to me -- and I’ll always fight to ensure folks are protected and have access to the care they need. You can click here or the image below to learn more about Elena and watch our conversation.

President-elect Joe Biden talks about health care with Elena Hung

And while this week marked more tragic, preventable milestones in our fight against COVID-19, news of the first vaccine distribution in America is a bright light. I’m grateful for every scientist, researcher, and public health expert who made it possible.

My administration will manage a robust and aggressive plan to contain this virus starting on day one. My first 100 days won’t end COVID-19, but we can and will slow the spread of the disease while we manufacture and distribute this vaccine. It will take everyone doing their part: mask-wearing, social distancing, and limiting their travel over the holidays.

Together, we will find more bright lights through the dark times.

What’s Coming

In just over a month, Kamala Harris and I will take our oaths of office at the 59th Presidential Inauguration. While the inauguration will look different, we’ll continue to honor the inaugural traditions Americans have always known: an official outdoor swearing-in ceremony, community service events, a reimagined parade, and virtual celebrations that bring the country together.

My team and I are inviting all Americans to be a part of this inauguration by watching from home, rather than traveling to Washington, DC, in accordance with public health guidelines. It will be a historic and exciting event that showcases the strength and diversity of our nation -- and one that every American can enjoy from their home.

And as you’re counting down to January 20, I hope you’ll check out the great stuff my team has put together at the Presidential Inaugural Committee Store -- including some of my favorites in the 46 Collection:

Shop our 46 collection at the Biden Inaugural Store

Jason, I don’t need to tell you this is a tough moment in the country.

Just this week, we passed 300,000 deaths due to COVID.

I know how it feels to lose someone you love. I know that black hole that opens up in your chest. And I know it’s especially hard this time of year when you look across the table, and you see that empty chair at Christmas and New Year’s.

My heart goes out to all of you who have lost a loved one or have gotten sick, or are suffering from the disease.

Yet, in the darkness, we finally got some good news with the vaccine approval.

Still, it will take time and money to scale up the manufacturing, distribution, and injection of the vaccine.

Meanwhile, the economic crisis has left millions of Americans out of work through no fault of their own. Small businesses are closing, and people are struggling to pay their bills, stay in their homes, and put food on the table. We need to get immediate help to families struggling right now, and we need to get moving on rebuilding our economy, and building it back better than ever.

As tough as this moment is in the country, as dark as these days of winter seem, I am still more optimistic about the future of this country than I have been my whole career.

I know what we can do. I know what this country is capable of. I know the future we can build -- together.

So, Jason, it’s time to get to work. Together.

- Joe

This email was sent to shepp1111.milanonline@blogger.com. If you would like to receive fewer emails, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here
Paid for by Biden for President

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