
The Biden-Harris team is counting on more Metuchen Democrats →

I've been in politics long enough to know that the first couple months of a campaign are crucial. All eyes are going to be on this team.

Since Day One:

We can -- and must -- keep building on the progress we've made, but it's not going to be easy.

If you read one more email today, I hope it's this one.

We still have a few hours left before midnight, so I need to ask:


As a top supporter of the DNC, you know how high the stakes are in the 2024 election.

Donate before tomorrow's end-of-month fundraising deadline to help elect Democrats from local office to the Oval Office.

Trump and DeSantis.

While Republicans like Trump and DeSantis are busy doubling down on their most dangerous ideas, Joe and Kamala are focused on fighting for working people.


[INVITATION] Call Crew summer school is in session!

Join Organize Everywhere's Call Crew for our Summer School training series.

We hate to bother you on the weekend, Jason

We hate to bother you on the weekend, but the DNC's end-of-month fundraising deadline is rapidly approaching. Truth be told, we're falling behind and could use your help.

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