
We have until midnight

Happy New Year's Eve! Can you pitch in before midnight to help us kick off 2024 strong?

Ahead of tonight’s end-of-year fundraising deadline:

By pitching in today, your donation will be put to work supporting Democrats up and down the ballot.

Let's end the year on a high note

We have until midnight to hit our end-of-year fundraising deadline, can you help us reach it?


We’re running out of time ⏳

With just one day left before 2024, we're running out of time before our end-of-year fundraising deadline.

Are you ready, Jason?

It's clearer than ever that the American people want a government that will defend our fundamental rights.


2️⃣ Days left…

We'll keep this short; our end-of-year fundraising deadline is in just TWO DAYS, and we can't afford to fall behind.

This is a very short message about our end-of-year fundraising goal

2024 will be here in a matter of days. Can you pitch in to help us reach our year-end goal?

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