
Be one of 4 folks from Metuchen to help us reach our goal before our end-of-quarter deadline

We're counting on dedicated Democrats from across the country to help us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

Your support for Democrats has been invaluable

A strong DNC is critical to building the nationwide party infrastructure we need to elect more Democrats.

re: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, and Ohio

We have a chance to flip these seats and expand our majority, but only if we hit our goal

Your support for Democrats has been invaluable

A strong DNC is critical to building the nationwide party infrastructure we need to elect more Democrats.

we’re behind

Ever since Democrats took back control, the Republican Party has been fired up more than ever. They've been raising huge sums of money that we need to compete with.

I’ll be honest with you​, Jason

We cannot afford to take our foot off the gas.