
This grassroots team played a big part in helping Democrats make history last year →

With the first end-of-quarter deadline of 2023 just hours away, my friends at the DNC are tracking behind their goal.

I'm running for reelection and need your support

In just a moment, I'm going to ask you to split a donation between my reelection campaign and the DNC, but before I do, I wanted to take a second to explain why I need your support.

Jason's 2023 DNC Membership Status: EXPIRED -- RENEW BEFORE MIDNIGHT

There isn't much time left to renew your membership and claim your 2023 Official DNC Member Card.

I am counting on you to renew your membership to the DNC ahead of tonight’s deadline, Jason

We've made historic progress over the last two years, but the DNC is relying on you to pitch in ahead of tonight's deadline to keep it up.

Just hours left before the deadline →

With the first end-of-quarter deadline of 2023 just hours away, my friends at the DNC are tracking behind their goal.


re: our next big test

What we raise in these early days could determine what we are able to accomplish in elections in 2023, 2024, and beyond. Chip in now.