
My first September newsletter

What a whirlwind it has been since I accepted your nomination at the Democratic National Convention.
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Biden for President Newsletter

Below is Joe Biden’s newsletter for September 8, 2020. Please submit questions and feedback here.

Jason --

What a whirlwind it has been since I accepted your nomination at the Democratic National Convention.

We watched the Republican convention -- where they flouted public health guidelines, seemingly forgot about the more than 180,000 American lives lost due to COVID-19, and stoked more hatred and division.

Then, we turned around and got right back to work.

We celebrated Women’s Equality Day and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave some women the right to vote. We reflected on the original March on Washington held 57 years ago, and we continued to strive for a more perfect union to ensure Americans are judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

And we continued to lay out for people what is at stake in this battle for the soul of the nation. I’m glad to be traveling -- safely -- to speak directly with voters when I can, and I’m thankful to all of the organizers and volunteers helping to spread our positive message of change across the country.

I’m excited to share with you everything else that my campaign has been doing over the last few weeks. For now, I hope you are safe and healthy. And though we weren’t able to hold parades for Labor Day (and I really missed running through those this year), I hope you were able to celebrate the holiday!

Campaign Updates

After making history by nominating Kamala Harris and holding the first virtual Democratic National Convention, we made history one more time in August by raising $364.5 million dollars to power this campaign.

I’m so grateful to every single person who has shown their faith in me by donating their hard-earned dollars. And I’m particularly proud to say that 95% of those contributions were from grassroots donors.

We reached that historic fundraising total because we grew this campaign to over 4 million donors last month -- and I’m so glad you’re one of them. But we can’t let the momentum slow now. Can you help us keep making history by chipping in to my campaign today?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$15 ➞
$30 ➞
$45 ➞
$60 ➞
$75 ➞
Other ➞

Jason, you and I know we need a president who will work to lower the temperature in trying times -- not raise it. A president who will bring people together and find solutions to the challenges we face.

That's what I went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, to do last week, and it's what I'll do every day in the White House. You can click the image below to watch the full community conversation I held:

Click here to watch our community conversation in Kenosha >>

Last week I also discussed what a real roadmap to reopen our schools would look like. We all want students back in the classroom, but President Trump hasn't done the work to make sure schools can reopen safely and effectively. Kamala Harris and I will be ready on Day One with a roadmap for reopening, and I hope you’ll join me in demanding we do better to protect teachers, students, and staff:

Read the Roadmap to Reopening Schools Safely

Speaking of teachers, my wife Jill held a grassroots fundraiser with our daughter Ashley, some of our grandchildren -- and the cast of Queer Eye. They talked about how Finnegan and Maisy are adapting to remote college classes, and Jonathan, Karamo, Tan, Antoni, and Bobby each shared different ways people can get involved with this campaign and make a difference in November.

I know Jill was particularly moved by Tan’s story of recently becoming a U.S. citizen, and how forcefully he asked everyone not to take for granted the right to vote.

That fundraiser may be over, but you can still click the photo below to make a donation to the campaign:

Jill, Ashley, Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy Biden chat with Michelle Kwan, Jonathan Van Ness, Karamo Brown, Tan France, Antoni Porowski, and Bobby Berk

I also had the pleasure of sitting down with my running mate Kamala Harris for a socially distanced conversation. We talked about how we’re going to build back better, and how we will do it while creating a brighter future for you and your families. You can click the photo below to watch our full conversation about how we are going to move forward -- together.

Joe + Kamala a Socially Distanced Conversation streaming now

What’s Coming

After speaking about the power of good, union jobs yesterday for Labor Day, I’ll keep talking about my plans to build our country and our economy back better than it was before this pandemic. Tomorrow, I’ll head to Michigan to do just that.

Jason, I know Kamala emailed you yesterday to ask if you would show your support for our Build Back Better plan. Today, I’m asking you to do the same thing. If Labor Day has left you ready to create millions of good-paying union jobs and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation, can you add your name today?


The other thing that Labor Day marks is a turning point in presidential campaigns. I know from my 2008 and 2012 campaigns with President Obama that, even though us candidates start campaigning months and months before, so many people only tune in to the election now, with less than two months to go.

That’s why my advertising and organizing teams are ramping up like never before. And with ballots being sent to voters right now in some battleground states, there’s no time to waste.

I don’t need to tell you again that we’re a grassroots campaign, but I really mean it when I say I’m counting on grassroots donors stepping up today to help power our critical work.

If you can afford to, will you make your next donation to my campaign at this critical time?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$15 ➞
$30 ➞
$45 ➞
$60 ➞
$75 ➞
Other ➞

Jason, that’s all for now.

With less than two months until November 3rd, we really are in the final stretch of this campaign, and I’m so glad to have you by my side.

These next few weeks won’t be easy, but I know that -- together -- we can choose hope over fear and win this battle for the soul of the nation.

So again, thank you, thank you, thank you for being on my team. Whether you joined us last week or last year, Kamala and I have been so moved by your support as we began the official general election, and now I know we can bring it home.

Stay healthy and safe,



Has the pandemic affected you personally, or do you just want to take a break from emails for a couple weeks? We understand. Click here to pause emails from the campaign for a two week period.

This email was sent to shepp1111.milanonline@blogger.com. If we got your name or any information wrong -- we're so sorry! To update and correct your information click here. If you would like to receive fewer emails, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here.

Jason, thank you so much for supporting Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.

Change occurs because the conscience of a country begins to rise up and demand — demand change.

This isn’t the time to be complacent. If you are ready to fight for the soul of this nation, you can start by donating to elect Joe Biden by clicking the button below.


We know we send a lot of emails, and we are sorry about that. The reason? We are relying on grassroots supporters like you (we’re serious!).

But Jason, we don’t want to bother you. If you’d like to only receive our most important emails, click here. If you'd only like to receive volunteer emails, click here. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can click here.

To make a contribution by mail, click here for instructions.

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
- The entire Joe Biden for President team
Paid for by Biden for President

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