
Jason, I'm urgently asking you

I'm reaching out to ask for your help to reach Joe and Kamala's final end-of-month fundraising goal of the election.
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Barack Obama


Today, I'm reaching out to ask for your help to reach Joe and Kamala's final end-of-month fundraising goal of the election.

If we do our jobs, hit this goal, and win decisively, you won't have to get any more emails asking for money starting on November 4th. But until then, we have to be certain they don't miss a single fundraising goal.

Which brings me to my ask for you today: Joe's team set their final end-of-month goal state by state, to reach their nationwide goal of $100 million to close out October. This morning I have the privilege of updating you on the progress in New Jersey. By midnight on Saturday they are aiming to have $2,767,500 more from New Jersey to end this month in the strongest position possible to win this election.

So Jason, I hope you'll pitch in $15 right now and be one of the donations they are counting on coming in from New Jersey between now and Saturday.


I meant it when I committed to doing whatever it takes to help win this battle for the soul of our nation. That's why I've hit the campaign trail myself, including stops in Philadelphia and Miami: to make the case to any remaining undecided voters why our country needs Joe and Kamala.

We've waited four years for this opportunity, the opportunity to put someone our kids can look up to back in the White House. Joe knows what it's like to make some of the toughest personal decisions in the world while still leading with kindness and a respect for humanity. I know, because I saw him do it myself.

Our country urgently needs Joe Biden as our next commander-in-chief, but his team is going to need a surge of donations before the end of October to reach every last undecided voter. And, Jason, I know firsthand the impact of these final donations to a presidential campaign. With so much on the line, we absolutely cannot allow Joe and Kamala to fall short here. Not now.

That's why I'm personally asking you to donate to this all-important final end-of-month deadline, Jason -- and if we can bring in $2,767,500 more from New Jersey by October 31 at midnight, I'm hearing Joe and Kamala will be able to hit their final goal of $100 million to end October strong. Can I count on your $15 donation today?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$15 ➞
$30 ➞
$45 ➞
$60 ➞
$75 ➞
Other ➞

Jason, this deadline could be the most important of the entire campaign. And this campaign is undoubtedly the most important of our lifetime. Our next president will decide what kind of America we leave behind for our children and grandchildren.

So I hope I can count on you to do all you can to help elect Joe. For eight years, he stood by my side in the White House. From my own firsthand experience, I can't think of a better president to face this moment.

The team needs to raise $100 million online before the month ends, so any humble amount you can give goes a long way to hitting this goal, and shows that this team has broad based support across the country:


Thanks for reading,

Barack Obama

Has the pandemic affected you personally, or do you just want to take a break from emails for a couple weeks? We understand. Click here to pause emails from the campaign for a two week period.

This email was sent to shepp1111.milanonline@blogger.com. If we got your name or any information wrong -- we're so sorry! To update and correct your information click here. If you would like to receive fewer emails, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here.

Jason, thank you so much for supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Presidential campaign.

Change occurs because the conscience of a country begins to rise up and demand — demand change.

This isn’t the time to be complacent. If you are ready to fight for the soul of this nation, you can start by donating to elect Joe Biden by clicking the button below.


We know we send a lot of emails, and we are sorry about that. The reason? We are relying on grassroots supporters like you (we’re serious!).

But Jason, we don’t want to bother you. If you’d like to only receive our most important emails, click here. If you'd only like to receive volunteer emails, click here. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can click here.

To make a contribution by mail, click here for instructions.

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
- The entire Joe Biden for President team
Paid for by Biden for President

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