
Before February is over.

There are only a couple of hours left until our February fundraising deadline -- and we're falling behind our goal.

Your support for Democrats has been invaluable...

A strong DNC is critical to building the nationwide party infrastructure we need to elect more Democrats.

We can’t afford to be tracking behind this early in the election cycle…

We'll need a record number of dedicated Democrats by our side to make it all possible.

re: DNC’s end-of-month deadline →

A strong DNC is critical to building the nationwide party infrastructure we need to elect more Democrats.

CNN says my seat is one of the most likely to flip →

Whether we can continue these fights depends entirely on people like you -- the grassroots supporters who fuel our mission.

Before our next shipment of membership cards goes out, I wanted to get in touch with you

I'm getting the next batch of 2022 DNC Membership Cards ready and want to send one to you!

re: 2022 and beyond

I'm calling on you to support the DNC before its end-of-month deadline because there's too much at stake to sit this one out.

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